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Relieve Your Stress and Pain

myofacial release

Myofacial Release

Restores normal movement and function

Selectively stretching and releasing the muscle tissue and connective tissue throughout the body to stop scar tissue from developing

Muscle Energy

Muscle Energy
Relieves muscle spasms  

A gentle technique to realign the affected joint

Joint positioning and guided light muscle contractions

Manual Massage (Swedish Technique)

Swedish technique

Reduces stress

Classic massage

Promotes relaxation

Decreases hyperactivity

Kneading, percussion, cross fibre friction, etc.

Manual Lymph Drainage

manual lymph drainage


Helps close open sores and wounds

Strengthens immune and lymphatic system

Repeated small circular patterns and stokes in the direction of lymph flow

Reduces lymph edema from post-surgical swelling or from sprained joints

Relaxation Massage

Muscle Energy
Gentle, guided work

Excellent for stress relief

A massage that involves light tissue work

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